天悦学校凝心聚力 打造强大的国际教师团队

2020-12-20 07:30 阅读 207


  自从2016年11月起,天悦人力资源部在金慧总监的带领下开始了全球人才招募计划,经过几个月的努力,目前学校已完成外籍教师队伍的招聘工作。为了聘请高素质,有能力和经验丰富的教师,学校人力资源部积极在世界各地参加国际学校招聘会,筛选简历,对每个职位的候选人进行排序,与候选人沟通细节等。候选人通常需要应邀参加3到4轮视频面试,先后需要与人力资源部外事经理Karen McBride、人力资源总监金慧、其所属学部外方校长以及总校长高薇进行面试。

  在面试过程中,学校看重候选人的学历和教学资格;另外会考虑候选人的从业经历,任教时长,在每个学校履行合同期限的长短;再者,候选人需要具备多年的国际课程教学经验,并且提供2封以上的推荐信, 并由相关人员进行背景调查。秉承吸引并培养为人正直、德才兼备、热爱教育事业、善于学习以及注重成果的伙伴的理念,在招聘过程中学校更关注应聘者所表现出的对教育的热情,及其教育理念是否与天悦的教育理念相契合。





  The prospect of working at JOY EL is an exciting one for many foreign teachers. It presents the opportunity to be a Founding Team Member of an international school which has a refreshingly unique style and a clear vision about how it intends to educate and operate. What’s more, it’s in the context of the growing Chinese education marketplace, renowned for high standards and superb attitudes to learning.

  Set yourself free

  Guided by the school’s vision and mission, JOY EL’s Human Resources team led by Maria Jin, Director of HR, started the recruitment work in November 2016 by contacting referred candidates, attending targeted recruitment fairs and working with teacher recruitment agencies where candidates seeking employment register their details. With its HR philosophy firmly in mind, and a remit to recruit high calibre, capable and experienced teachers, the HR team shortlists candidates for each position and then conducts face to face interviews or video interviews via Skype. Candidates are normally invited to two or three interviews with Karen McBride, HR & Foreign Services Manager, Maria Jin, Director of Human Resources and/or the foreign Principal of the appropriate department or even the Director of JOY EL. To date, JOY EL has recruited almost all of the foreign teachers required for its first year of operation.

  The foreign teachers already hired by JOY EL come from variety of backgrounds and home countries including the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. Many are currently working at international schools in China or elsewhere. For example, our Elementary School ESL (English as a Second Language) support teacher, who is from the USA, has been teaching the American and IB curricula for more than 11 years in the USA and more recently at another international school in Beijing. Our Middle/High School Music Teacher is himself a highly accomplished musician and has been teaching both UK and IB curricula for more than 11 years in the UK and currently Spain.

  Wisdom & Innovation

  So, what qualities are JOY EL Recruitment Team members looking for? Firstly, they look at the candidate’s academic degree and teaching qualifications. Then they consider the candidate’s employment experience – number of years in each position, curricula and subjects taught. At least two references from previous employment are checked thoroughly. JOY EL is searching for candidates who have years of teaching experience in the subject or position that they are applying for, and who have preferably worked in an IB environment. They evaluate the candidate’s ability to adapt to living and working in Beijing. Finally, the team is looking for two important attributes: Does the candidate exhibit real passion for teaching and, just as Admissions staff consider the “fit” of a child and their family applying for a place, will the candidate be a good “fit” for the wider JOY EL family?

  Intelligence & Willpower

  Once a candidate accepts an offer of employment from JOY EL, a contract is signed and the HR team sets about helping them to prepare for moving to Beijing and joining JOY EL. This includes preparing documentation for visas, giving advice about what to bring and what to expect. Once they have arrived in Beijing, JOY EL continues to support its new teachers on all fronts. This includes practical assistance such as helping them to settle into the provided housing, opening bank accounts, showing them where to shop, how to get around and even how to use WeChat! The support also includes almost one month of in-school professional development, planning and teaching preparation before students arrive on Aug 28th.

  In summary, JOY EL aims to recruit high calibre teachers - educators of high integrity who are passionate about teaching and excited to join its bilingual, international team. We welcome anyone inerested to get in touch to find out more about how to build a career, and along with us, a bright future at JOY EL. Click "Read More" for more information about employment at JOY EL.
上一篇:北京天悦国际学校好不好 下一篇:天悦学校:与更广阔的世界交往互动


