
2021-08-19 16:52 阅读 113


  In the context of the epidemic, will there be more new possibilities for Chinese prospective students?Should US university application be re-started? Today let listen to the BIBS Guidance Counsellor Ms. Sonja’ opinion on this.

  拥有近十年国际教育的工作经验,硕士毕业于伦敦大学学院教育学专业。拥有IB组织认证,是IACAC国际升学指导协会成员,美国大使馆认证的高中升学指导,同时也是College Board认证的SAT考场负责人。

  10 years of experience in international education with a master’s degree in Education from the University College London. IB rated and member of IACAC, US Embassy approved HS guidance counsellor. College Board approved SAT examination room supervisor.


  Ask yourself before making decisions


  1. 这个国家本科教育的特色是什么?

  2. 而你是否被这种特色所吸引,并且认为自己能成功融入这种环境并实现自我价值?


  Many parents and students asked me recently, that if they should still consider universities in the US. As a guidance counsellor I usually request my students to consider two things first:

  What makes a countries undergraduate education special?

  Are you attracted to those things and do you think you can blend in the environment and become successful?

  Today I’d like to share these questions to you all.


  Talent Education & Holistic Education



  Personally, I categorize education into Talent Education and Holistic Education. Talend education is to develop talents for special professional fields, focusing on professional skills and employment rate. For example, the undergraduate education in UK, students are requested to choose their major with application materials supporting that choice.

  Holistic Education on the other hand, is what we also call liberal education, which is to empower students with a wide range of knowledge and transferrable skills, strong values, ethics and sense of social responsibilities. Holistic education offers opportunities for students to deal with the real-life issues and challenges, and focuses on learning methods instead of a certain subject field. This is typically seen among the US universities.


  The US Liberal Arts Education


  博雅教育的课程具体是什么样的,我以哥伦比亚大学举例,在哥大,大一大二的学生必须修满九大学科里每一个学科里的学分。这个课程体系被成为哥大的核心课程(core curriculum)。那么哪九大学科呢?分别是:文学、现代文明、艺术人文、音乐人文、前沿科学、外语、逻辑与修辞写作、世界主要文化和体育这九个方面的学分。世界上几乎其他地区大学教育,无论法国还是英国,一个化学专业学者学的都仅仅只有化学。而如果你是一位哥伦比亚大学化学专业的学生,你还需要了解艺术音乐以及文学。引用哈佛大学英文文学系教授路易斯门纳德的语言:“博雅教育并不为职业技能,经济回报或某种意识形态而服务。


  不难发现美国大学博雅教育的基础实际上是与IB教育理念是一致的。在IB 体系中培养出来的学生,早在大学之前就锻炼出来了批判性的思维,以及跨学科学习的能力。我与一些进入美国大学学习的青苗毕业生交谈,他们都表示很顺利很自然得就适应美国大学的教育,觉得美国本科教育就像IB教育的延伸。

  In the US comprehensive universities and art and science colleges, students are required to read widely in diversified fields in year 1 and 2, and only choose a particular subject field for advanced studying from year 3. For highly professional fields such as medical and law, students can only option at postgraduate stage.

  Regarding the curriculum of liberal education, I’d like to use Columbia University as an example. Students must gain all credits of the 9 fields in the first 2 years, which is also known as the core curriculum, including Literature, Modern Civilization, Liberal Arts, Music Arts, Frontier Science, Foreign Language, Logic and Rhetorical Writing, World Major Cultures and P.E. In other countries, France or UK, a Chemistry student only learns about chemistry. But at Columbia University, the student must also learn about music, arts and literature. Liberal Education is not to train for jobs, economic returns or ideologies.

  Liberal education is to build a whole person, under which students not only dip into knowledge of diversified fields, but also find the commonality among them and benefit from the interdisciplinary thinking. In other words, liberal education is to pursue the origin and process of knowledge. Students do not only absorb knowledge, but also critical-think between old and new knowledge. So no matter what their future professional career might be, they gain the critical thinking skills and the ability to transfer knowledge among various subject fields.

  It’s not difficult to see that the US liberal education and IB share the same education philosophy. An IB student will gain critical thinking skills and interdisciplinary ability before going to university. Many BIBS graduates who are in the US universities told me they fit in their new environment smoothly. University was like an extension of their IB education experience.


  Back to our question – should US university application be re-started? I think the mission of universities is to develop teenagers into adults in the best 4 years of their life. If you agree with the US liberal education concept and believe you will become a responsible, free and complete adult from it, US will be an ideal option to look at!

上一篇:青苗IB小课堂:IB那么难,为什么还如此受欢迎?Why is IB so hard, yet popular? 下一篇:青苗国际双语学校招生指南


