
2021-09-15 17:12 阅读 95

CISB offers graduates the opportunity to obtain a Canadian (New Brunswick) High School Diploma as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma.  

CISB 为毕业生提供获得加拿大(新不伦瑞克省)高中文凭以及国际文凭 (IB) 文凭的机会。 

The IB Diploma Programme (DP) is an internationally recognized, academically challenging, two-year pre-university program for students in Grades 11 and 12 that is well known, respected and rewarding. It offers students the opportunity to choose a curriculum that best fits their interests and skills and can be tailored to meet their post-secondary educational goals.  

IB 文凭课程 (DP) 是一项国际认可的、学术上具有挑战性的两年制大学预科课程,面向 11 和 12 年级的学生,该课程广为人知、备受尊重且收获颇丰。 它为学生提供了选择最适合他们兴趣和技能的课程的机会,并且可以根据他们的高等教育目标进行定制。 

The Canadian (New Brunswick) diploma is very well recognized by universities and colleges around the world. To obtain this diploma, students must complete a total of 20 credits (including compulsory credits) and successfully complete the NB English Language Proficiency Assessment.  Students who successfully complete the IB DP automatically qualify for the NB diploma. 


加拿大(新不伦瑞克省)文凭在世界各地的大学和学院中得到了很好的认可。 要获得此文凭,学生必须完成总共 20 个学分(包括必修学分)并成功完成 NB 英语语言能力评估。  成功完成 IB DP 的学生自动获得 NB 文凭。 

CISB offers a diverse list of subjects for our high school students to choose from. Our graduates consistently oabtain above average results on their overall DP scores and have received acceptances from over 100 universities and colleges from around the world, including schools listed in the worlds’ Top 25!

CISB 为我们的高中生提供了多种科目可供选择。 我们的毕业生在 DP 总分上一直取得高于平均水平的成绩,并获得了来自世界各地 100 多所大学和学院的录取,其中包括世界排名前 25 的学校!


We support our students and their families throughout their high school program. Students are matched with an Academic Advisor who will follow them throughout the program. Our university guidance counselors begin working with students and their families in grade 10 to set and meet their post-secondary goals and our IB Diploma Program Coordinator and Creativity, Activities and Services (CAS) Coordinators will guide our students through the IB DP requirements.

我们在整个高中课程中为我们的学生及其家人提供支持。 学生会与一名学术顾问配对,该顾问将在整个课程中跟踪他们。 我们的大学辅导员在 10 年级开始与学生及其家人合作,以设定和实现他们的中学后目标,我们的 IB 文凭课程协调员和创意、活动和服务 (CAS) 协调员将指导我们的学生完成 IB DP 要求。

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