北京中学学生在“世界学者杯”(The World Scholar’s Cup)赛获优异成绩

2021-06-23 17:34 阅读 135

在5月22日-23日举行的2021ASDAN“世界学者杯”(The World Scholar’s Cup)北京区域赛中,北京中学参赛的5支队伍从250多名参赛选手,80多支参赛队伍中脱颖而出,获得优异成绩,所有5支队伍全部晋级全国赛。





  • Team Challenge/学者挑战团队奖 — 3支队伍位列前5,荣获奖杯

  • Team Bowl/团队抢答综合排名 — 1金3银

  • Team Debate/团队辩论团队奖 — 4金1银,1支队伍荣获奖杯

  • Team Writing/协同创作团队奖 — 3金2银

  • Champion Teams/冠军队伍 —4金1银,1支队伍荣获奖杯


  • Debate Champions/团队辩论个人奖 — 10金3银,Kayla同学荣获第1名

  • Writing Champions/协同写作个人奖 — 8金4银

  • Challenge Subjects/学科奖项冠军 — 2金(艺术和历史两大学科)

  • Challenge Subject Awards/学者挑战学科奖项 —  20金17银(通识、社会学、历史、科学、艺术、文学六大学科)

  • Champion Scholars/冠军学者 — 4金5银




Carrying the honor of our school, we carefully managed our speeches and tried our best to organize our ideas and be polite to both the judges and our opponents. We bravely stood against native speakers from the Western Academy of Beijing and AIDI International School and won several rounds——we fairly distributed what each of us had to do based on what we are good at. The result was quite satisfying: I won the award as the best debater overall and our team won the 6th place in the debates. If anyone would ask us how our team got the high rankings, we would proudly answer that they are all results of our strategic team collaboration.

——Kayla Yang



The WSC collaborative writing is different from other writing competitions. It is designed to encourage students to cooperate with teammates and then write individually.

Each team gets a topic sheet and then chooses three topics to write. When my team got the sheet, I tended to focus on the two topics that I prepared and decided to choose social studies for my topic. However, since it is more important to write a creative essay in the WSC writing, I was not confident about my ideas. So I discussed my ideas with my teammates. The discussion is what I enjoyed the most in this part. My teammates suggested that I should use my personal feelings and experiences in writing, and the writing should focus on the “strange feeling” indicated in the topic. This discussion with my teammates inspired me to have a more concrete idea with solid examples. So during the individual writing, my thoughts were more coherent, and I finished the writing without reconsidering structures and examples. After the individual writing, there were another 15 minutes for the team to do peer review. My teammates and I checked on each others’ vocabulary and grammar and made sure of the language and ideas. We all believed that our opinions were creative and innovative. And the result showed that we were right!

——Joyce Xu



Among all the sections in the World Scholar’s Cup competition, the one I was the least confident of was the Team Debating. I’d never tried any formal debates before, and I had no debate skills or experiences. However, during the preparation before the competition, I learned a bit about how to structure my speech and make it powerful and reliable, and those tips really worked. During the competition, we have 15 minutes for preparation and 4 minutes for speech. It is surely important to stay calm and organize your thoughts, and it’s equally important to listen carefully to what your opposing team is talking about and thus prepare a powerful rebuttal. There’s three competitions in total, and our team won two of them, not bad. One thing interesting about the debate is that the judge do not give suggestions or criticisms, and this task falls on the opposing team. So we had to give advice to the other team, and so did they. It’s really a lot of fun, and I learned a lot from both the competition itself and from the teams we debated with.

—Summer Cao



于我而言,长达几周的备赛和两天的比赛过程都是令人享受的。在活动中获得Scholar’s Challenge的Art&Music学科第一的成绩,在意料之外,回顾整个备赛过程,似乎又在情理之中。比赛前,学校组织我们进行了两场模拟比赛;我喜欢读书,非常认真地研读了举办方发的各类备赛材料和相关链接,对比赛取得成绩有很好的帮助。



——David Cao






 —— Lisa Jin 

BAID students do our school proud!


Our previous outing at the World Scholars Cup had done an exceptional job of highlighting the high caliber of our students at BAID. Eager to prove our achievements were no mere flash in the pan, there was a big push by the students to emulate their peer’s previous efforts in the competition. The World Scholars Cup offers an excellent platform, not only for students to practice their skills and knowledge, but also demonstrate what goes into supporting and fostering student talent at the school level.


On the 22-23 May, I am very pleased to be able to say that BAID students did the school very proud. We greatly increased the number of teams we sent and it was great to see each and every one of them achieve something. Although the accolades came in thick and fast, it was especially satisfying to see each team qualify for the next round of the competition and for BAID to have a commanding influence on the academic and debate focused areas of the competition.

——指导老师 Mr. Adam

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