Incredible Personal Project Results at CISB!

2021-08-27 10:34 阅读 79

We are delighted to reveal that our Grade 10 students have achieved outstanding results in their 2020-2021 Personal Projects. The Personal Project is the culminating task completed by MYP students in their final year to explore an area of interest over an extended period. As a result, students develop skills they will use in their future education and life outside the classroom.


衷心祝贺我校10年级学生在2020-2021学年度所进行的Personal Projects中获得骄人成绩。作为MYP学生在进入IBDP课程前需要完成的最后一项任务,Personal Projects(个人设计)为学生们提供了一个可以深入探索他们所感兴趣主题的机会。通过此项任务,学生们将会更好的发展及提高他们在将来学习及课外生活中的技能。


CISB student Results

  • CISB's average is 19% above the global average. At 4.88, CISB students have scored well above the worldwide average of 3.90

  • Four students achieved the top score of 7. Seven students achieved a score of 6

  • 41 Grade 10s completed the Personal Project



·     CISB的平均成绩高于全球平均分高达19%。全球平均成绩为3.9分,CISB的平均成绩为4.88

·     共计4名学生获得7分满分成绩。7名学生获得6分的成绩

·     总计4110年级学生完成了Personal Project (个人设计)


Externally moderated by the IB, the Personal Project is the first externally marked assessment. The Personal Project examines students' approach to learning, including self-management, research, communication, critical and creative thinking. CISB student results speak volumes about the skills they have learntin the process.



作为IB官方主办的第一个外部评估项目,Personal Project(个人设计)考察了学生本人的学习方法,包含自我管理能力,搜寻有效信息的能力,沟通技巧,批判性及创造性思维的能力。CISB学生们所获得的成绩完全验证了他们在学习过程中所汲取的知识及能力。


"Some of the projects from the 2020-21 school year included: starting a clothing brand and online store, writing and illustrating a picture book about the importance of waste management, creating a traditional long scroll telling the story of Fang Li'slife, learning to cook and then transferring that learning into a cookbook for beginners, improving coding skills to make an entertaining game, and designing a line of jewellery made from repurposed materials, just to name a few! Although fun and rewarding, this process was a lot of hard work. Congratulations to our CISB students who faced this challenge head-on. We are very proud of you for it!" – Jade Harrold


“2020-2021学年度的PersonalProjects(个人设计)选题包括,服装品牌的设立及在线店铺的推广;出版关于废物管理重要性的插画图书;讲述Fang Li一生的传统长卷;学习厨艺并将该厨艺整理成册以便厨艺初级者进行学习;提升编程能力来制作游戏;使用再生材料制作首饰等内容。虽然这是一个艰难的过程,但是同样这也是一个充满乐趣及意义非凡的过程。恭喜CISB所有迎难而上的学生们,我们为你们感到骄傲!“–Jade Harrold


Jade Harrold was CISB's Personal Project coordinator and MYP Coordinator for 2020-2021. She provided the support and overarching instruction our students have needed to reach such incredible results. 


Jade Harrold作为2020-2021学年度的Personal Project 主管及MYP课程主管,为学生们提供了所需的支持及全面的指导,以确保学生们可以获得优异的成绩。


Thank you to all our students and staff for their hardwork! 




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