
2021-11-26 10:45 阅读 216










[ Question 01 ]


What is the school’s plan of college counselling procedure for students with 4 years of study in HS?




A successful high school plan requires a school to have a counseling framework for students to achieve their highest. At Beijing SMIC High School, we have been granted the AP Diploma opportunity, which is a platform that allows our students to reach their highest academic potential. 


This starts with students considering the end goal at the beginning. During 9th grade (even as early as 8th grade), SMIC students can start preparing for the foundation for the AP Diploma. This includes trying an AP course or two. The highly motivated students can strategically plan out their AP course selections with the counselor and understand the reasons for their selected AP courses. 



As students progressed from 10th to 11th grade, college counseling takes other forms, such as creating opportunities for students to interact with university admissions officers, mock tests, and practice interviews. College counseling shifts into high gear in grades 11 and 12. Most of the college selection procedures take place during the second semester 11th grade. 


By the end of 11th grade, students have finished the following activities: personality assessments, parent and student shortlists, opened accounts with application systems, and standardized tests. Before October of 12th grade year, students generally have their application materials done and ready to submit. This includes requesting teacher recommendation letters, test results, and personal essays. The biggest need at this point from parents is their international credit card!


[ Question 02 ]

For the college counselling service you have offered, there may be some typical cases. Could you please share with us?

Most of our English Track students can compete against the world’s top students; however, their confidence is not there yet. For example, one student applied to close than 20 universities from several countries (due to safety and other reasons and perhaps the student’s low confidence). Actually ,he has some of the sharpest skills and highest potentials. His confidence boost came untill top university offers came: top 100, top 50, and top 10. This is typical. The student exemplifies the general SMIC studentscollege and career confidence. Student’s newfound confidence affirms what SMIC teachers knew all along: SMIC students are very competitive. 


[ Question 03 ]
When students and parents only pay attention to popular majors at university, what advice would you give to students, professionally from the perspective of college counselling?


In analyzing a student’s major, I use several perspectives. The first is student’s own admission on what they are interested in. If the major fits, other assessments will confirm that. For example, I use the two personality assessments to evaluate a student’s character. The Holland Code assessment (RIASC- 1970s) matches SMIC students to careers that fit their personalities. Another (Myers-Briggs Personality Types) articulates each senior (E12) best fit work environment. 


Students, teachers, and parents can confirm or refute these assessments. Having a good idea of a major is very helpful, especially UK universities ask specifically for a major first before choosing a university. Our school recently initiated passion projects. This project gives a platform for students to demonstrate and to display their passion throughout the semester. Students can then present their passion to the public at the end of the semester.  


[ Question 04 ]

How to balance between university ranking and ranking by major (different indicators involved)?


The truth is that rankings are made up with specific factors that are not always relevant to student needs. I encourage students to examine universities with respect to their individual interests and career aspirations. Each student’s requirements are different; so, it is hard for a generalized ranking (like the QS Top 500 universities) to fit a student’s desires. 


It might feel good for certain stakeholders to have gotten into a top university, but it’s meaningless for the actual student who is living and learning at that university on a day to day basis. Even ranking by subject is not a good way to line up universities. I caution everyone to see beyond rankings and to read between the lines. Parents should place their student’s needs above the allure of higher ranked schools. A university that meets a student’s requirements to help jumpstart a career is more important than its’ rankings.


[ Question 05 ]

What’s the academic support that will be given to E11 students in college counselling? Such as the selection of majors.


Deciding on a major (US) or a course (UK) is tricky and is not always uniform. American universities do not require a major during application process, but if a student is ready this is possible. However, the British universities will require a course selection when applying through the UCAS (UK’s application system). 


One of the most indicative way to decide a major is how well they enjoy their high school courses. Students either take the path of social science or science in high school. This in turn split the student population into two groups: those who enjoy math, biology, physics, etc and those who enjoy languages, history, or the arts.


Through our college counseling process, I use at least two methods to delineate students and to ascertain a major for students. Both assessments have a long history of usage and peer reviews. Dr. John Holland created the Holland Code in the 1950s to distinguish six major areas of skills (realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional). Students provide answers that can be summarized to an area of study that can filter to a major in college. Furthermore, the Myers Briggs Personality Type (MBTI) then confirms the student’s interest to their future work environment. From these two assessments, teachers, parents and counselors can give input into the student’s future career.   


[ Question 06 ]

During the college counselling service for E12 students, how to guide and help them from the psychological aspect?
The key psychological component is confidence. From almost a decade of counseling experience, the most critical part is for the applicant to be mentally prepared and confident about their college list. There will be highs and lows, but one critical aspect of this process is that the student WILL go to a college. I cannot emphasize this enough that mental toughness is crucial in order to thrive in another country. I constantly remind my students that they need to be confident about this process.  


[ Question 07 ]
For reaching out to overseas universities, what is the main work that the college counselling focus on?

As our students start to make our school’s name known, more and more universities will contact our school. The relationship between Beijing SMIC Private School and overseas universities is critical for student success. With our recent student university offers, we have had two top universities (Notre Dame and Yonsei) asking to make their visits to our school. Having continuous communication and collaboration will benefit our students immensely. This is by far our next big focus. 







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