About PWP Q&A | 有一说一!关于这所学校的所有疑问都在这里了

2021-11-28 11:16 阅读 101
Prince William Preschool

As the first quintessentially British kindergarten in Shenzhen, PWP has experienced many years of changes and bid farewell to hundreds of graduates.
However, with the continuous development of technology, PWP is also constantly innovating, committed to providing children with better educational growth space. In the face of such changes, many parents are also in doubt, so it is necessary to open up to all parents once again to introduce them to Prince William Preschool.


What is your unique educational asset?

Education advantage
Prince William Preschool is the first quintessentially British kindergarten in Shenzhen.  In teaching, our teaching team consists of the EYFS teachers and senior faculty. Also we have Fabiana, who is the Senior superintendent of Ofsted as our highest superintendent. We at PWP use EYFS as a guideline, following the teaching principle of Reggio and combine the education purpose of Forest Education, that is "to explore nature and life”. We also inherit and innovate excellent traditional Chinese culture. In terms of management, foreign teachers with EYFS teacher certification are appointed as the main class teachers, who will lead the class all day long and design timely courses for the children in the class in the way of project teaching activities.

In what direction does the EYFS system focus on children’ development?



EYFS is one of the world's most authoritative standards for early education, centred around seven main learning and development areas:
(1) Personal, social and emotional development
(2) English literacy
(3) Communication and language
(4) Mathematics
(5) Understand the world
(6) Physical development
(7) Expressive art and design
According to different age groups, there are specific criteria for every area. EYFS teacher's teaching process is to find out children’s areas of interests through observation. Furthermore, according to their interests, teacher will make the lesson plan and design activities. More often, the EYFS teacher will do the teaching activities in the form of games. They will lead the children to take an active part in the activities and make records of their performance. Then corresponding evaluation will be given.

How can parents be informed about their child's progress (growth and changes)?

Every child is unique. According to the characteristics of growth of the children in their classes, EYFS teachers will make weekly and monthly EYFS teaching plans and publish them on the ‘Blackboard’  [黑板] app. Children's daily learning routines according to the teaching arrangements will also be displayed on the app without any reservation, so that parents can have a clear understanding of their children's learning and activities.
In addition to the daily communication platform, PWP also adopts the advanced online learning evaluation system ‘Tapestry’. EYFS teachers will objectively truly record each child's learning progress, to ensure that the process of growth and development can be seen and checked easily.Through big data, parents and teachers can make longitudinal evaluations from the aspect of development. Then we can teach our children in accordance to their aptitude.The most important is the one-to-one parent-teacher meeting at the end of each semester, in which four teachers will give detailed assessment and feedback on the learning and development of each child from all main areas of EYFS. Parents can have a more intuitive and deeper understanding of their children's learning and development in school, so as to achieve the effective interaction and collaborative participation between home and school.

How many students are in
each class?

0-2岁 10-15人 师生比例1:3
2-4岁 15-18人 师生比例1:4
4-6岁 18-22人 师生比例1:5
Each class is staffed with 4 teachers, 1 EYFS foreign teacher, 1 Chinese homeroom teacher, 1 Chinese teaching assistant, and 1 supporter. The foreign teacher is the main class teacher and leads the class all day long.
0-2 years old 10-15 children   teacher-student ratio 1:3
2-4 years old 15-18 children   teacher-student ratio 1:4
4-6 years old 18-22 children   teacher-student ratio 1:5

What is the requirements for the recruitment and replacement of foreign teachers?

EYFS teachers
The foreign teachers employed by Prince William school are all from native English speaking countries, most of them are from the UK. In addition to the basic requirement of teachers' learning and growth environment, we also attach great importance to the teaching ability and the observation of Chinese and foreign teachers. According to the education system and teaching principles, foreign teachers need to observe the characteristics of growth and development of children in the class, and formulate project lessons plans and objectives. Then, it is particularly important to establish  familiarity with children. In order to make each child learn and explore better, in addition to  student graduation and other inevitable factors of foreign teachers, foreign teachers are generally not frequently replaced. The stability of foreign teachers  staying in the same school is a great asset , and some foreign teachers has more than 5-8 years of teaching time in the school.

How to deal with the children with poor

Prince William public school, as a quintessentially British international kindergarten,we will also assess the child’s level of English during the interview.However, teachers  also know more about children's English level , so that can help children adapt to the English speaking environment when they come to school. For the new children who are not good at English, on the one hand, we will pay more attention to them. With the help of Chinese and foreign teachers'  bilingualism, they can quickly integrate and make a smooth  transition on the basis of building self-confidence and security; on the other hand, in the immersive English environment, the children who are at the peak of language development, they can communicate with body language and other ways through their strong independent learning  ability. At the same time, the campus will also help parents to give the corresponding family language learning guidance, strengthen the English learning atmosphere at home, so that the children  who with a poor English foundation can adapt and improve quickly with the support of various parties.

How is the interview to be conducted? Will it be too serious?

① 孩子的面试会由EYFS老师和助教进行。自由且欢乐的游戏互动方式可以让EYFS老师了解到孩子七大领域发展的情况,以便以后更好地根据孩子的情况进行教学活动。
② 家长的面试则是由园长进行,将会以面试和笔试的方式,来了解孩子的学习、生活习惯等信息,沟通教育理念,以便于更好地实现家园共育。
In order to help teachers better understand the situation of children, the interview will be divided into two steps:
① The child's interview will be conducted by the EYFS teacher and the TA. EYFS teachers will know the child’s development through the free and happy game interaction,
so that they can better carry out teaching activities according to the children's situation in the future.
② The interview of parents is conducted by the principal of the kindergarten. The interview and written examination will be used to understand the children's learning, living habits and other information, and to communicate about educational ideas,
 In order to facilitate home education better.

How is the English level of your child after graduation?

After three years of English-immersion education, children can communicate with foreign teachers in daily, even some top students can apply for international schools directly. Every year, Prince William Preschool has many graduates admitted to Bayside, Urban Oasis and Yew Chung International, Shekou International and other international schools. In addition, Prince William Preschool has also built up the strategic cooperation with Nord Anglia International School and MIS. All graduates from  PWS have priority in interview and admission to attend these high quality international school.

Do you have Chinese courses? Is it too much pressure for children to join in public primary schools after graduating from international kindergarten?

英伦威廉王子公学是纯英式教育,是没有针对性的中文课程,但是针对孩子成长发展的需求,特设中国传统文化课程,会涉及到部分的中文学习,比如国学以及中国传统节日春节做春联等。很多家长都非常重视幼小衔接的问题。根据英伦威廉王子公学往届毕业生就读情况来看,60%左右的孩子会选择于国际学校就读, 30%左右的孩子转而选择公立学校,剩余部分的孩子或是直接进入国外的学校,虽然 EYFS教育体系是全球适用的,但英伦威廉王子公学也针对大班的学生制定了专门幼小衔接的课程,让小朋友握笔写字,培养孩子们的学习兴趣。
Prince William Preschool provides a pure British education without Chinese courses. But for the needs of children's growth and development, we provide the special Chinese traditional culture curriculum such as Chinese poems and Spring Festival couplets for children.
Many parents worried about the transformations of their children from kindergarten to primary school. According to the previous graduates of Prince William Preschool, about 60% of the children will study in international schools, 30% will choose public schools, and the rest of children will go abroad to continue to study. Although the EYFS education system is applicable globally, Prince William Preschool has also developed a special curriculum for children in K3 classes. Children can hold a pen to write to cultivate their interest in learning.

What will we do when children can not adapt the new environment?

来到校园的第一周是 “过渡黄金期”,老师会连续七天,多次记录孩子的情绪状态、饮食情况、生理表现等,及时向家长反馈孩子的学习和生活情况,以确保孩子顺利渡过分离焦虑时期。
Children will be uncomfortable when they are away from home and parents.
In order to help children to free from separation anxiety, Prince William Preschool will hold a new parent-conference for new families. In addition to follow the ideas of the education concept of "home and education together," teachers will also help parents with their children themselves to familiarize with the new campus, feel the warm and joy of the "new environment."
The first week in the campus is the "Golden Period of Transition."  Our teachers will record the child's emotional state, diet, and physiological performance and so on. We will feedback to parents about children's learning and living conditions timely, to ensure that children go through separation anxiety period successfully.

How to arrange the children who without nap habits?

In order to make children have a healthy body, Prince William public school will try to cultivate children's nap   habits. If there are children who really do not take a nap, we will arrange teachers to look after them alone. Generally, teachers will take them to the library or sensory room, and choose a quiet and relaxed environment for children to read or rest.

How to arrange three meals a day?

We encourage parents and children to have breakfast and dinner together to strengthen the parent-child relationship.
In schools, the health doctors in the campus will formulate morning tea, nutritious lunch and afternoon tea according to the nutrition required for the healthy growth of children. In order to ensure the hygiene and health of food products, Prince William Preschool has set up a Little Prince kitchen for children. The delicious meals are carefully prepared and the ingredients are purchased from large supermarket chains such as Metro, Hippo, and Sam's Club. All the ingredients are purchased on the same day, and the tickets and certificates for the purchase of ingredients can be traced back to the "source". The campus has always attached great importance to the fine management of the canteen and food safety management. Because of the attention and care, the campus has obtained the honor of Class A kitchen, and is often recommended by the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau as the school kitchen observation and learning campus.

What is your unique educational asset?

Outdoor Activities
8:30-9:00 到校并晨检
9:00-9:30 晨圈(欢迎歌曲,主题分享)
9:30-10:20 EFYS英国幼儿园课程(七大领域学习)
10:20-10:40  水果餐
10:40-11:30 户外活动(EYFS的运动技能及瑞吉欧社交时间)
11:30-12:30 午餐(中西餐结合)
12:30-2:15 午休
2:15-3:15 EFYS英国幼儿园课程(七大领域学习)
3:15-3:30 下午茶
3:30-4:30 MEP多元拓展课程(必修)
4:30-5:30 兴趣俱乐部(选修)
8:30-9:30 Welcome the children and morning check.
9:00-9:30 Circle Time. (Welcome song, and sharing the theme)
9:30-10:20 EFYS Curriculum(Seven main areas of development )
10:20-10:40  Snack  Time
10:40-11:30 Outdoor Activities(EYFS Physical  Development , Reggio Social and Emotional Development time.)
11:30-12:30 Lunch (Chinese and western cuisine)
3:15-3:30 Afternoon Tea
3:30-4:30 MEP Multiple Extension Program (Compulsory Course)
4:30-5:30 Extra-curriculum Clubs(Selective Course.)

What are the optional extracurricular courses?


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