
2021-12-07 15:54 阅读 161



Admissions Policy
The King’s Commitment to an All-Round and Inclusive Education
The King’s School Shenzhen International is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of childrenand young people in its care.
The School is an inclusive community offering equal opportunities regardless of race, nationality, religion,gender, sexual orientation and (within reason) physical ability. We welcome students with differing abilities and skills from all backgrounds, nationalities and ethnic groups to be part of King’s community.
A King’s education is built upon the twin pillars of academic excellence and co-curricular opportunity,supported by the highest standards of pastoral care. Our philosophy is that talented pupils are ‘stretched butnot stressed’ by enlightened and stimulating teaching and that they learn best through positive and dynamic interaction with their teachers, peers and surroundings.
We take a holistic attitude to education: that means caring about our children’s academic, physical and psychological growth. The King’s schools strive to achieve this by creating an environment that is nurturing, supportive and engaging, as well as challenging. Our approach to education encourages active learning through inspiring and stimulating the students to be creative and communicative. To achieve this, we offer a range of subjects and activities and expect our students to engage and commit themselves to the tasks at hand. However, we are always there to support them through their educational journey, encouraging them to take risks and to experience something of the true joy of learning.
As a bilingual school, we believe in the power and importance of language, stressing first that the student’s home language and cultural background should be strong. This is crucial for developing a student’s identity as well as their cognitive skills. Our bilingual community culture is most important; our students should realise the value of being part of a community and their own individual responsibilities within it.
Our ultimate aim, therefore, is to have a high-achieving and inclusive school where young people can receive a challenging all-round education within a supporting community thereby enabling them to flourish and make a positive contribution to the world. It is essential that all King’s parents, wider families and employees share this vision and join us in helping to achieve this aim.
Meeting families 家庭面谈
All families and applicants are invited to visit our school. The purposes for this meeting are first to help with the admissions process and answer any technical questions and, second, to discuss the School’s curriculum and pedagogy, especially its Commitment to all All-Round and Inclusive Education.

Pre-Prep (ages 2-6) 幼教部(2-6 岁)
Classes are divided by the following structure broadly based upon a child’s age on 31 August of the year of entry. There are occasionally exceptions to this age-based division, sometimes for children with summer birthdays, but, unless there are strong reasons otherwise, children will be placed in their age-group as below:
入读年级将根据孩子在入学当年的 8 月 31 日的年龄按以下结构划分。这种基于年龄的划分偶尔也会有例外,尤其是在夏天生日的孩子。除了个别的因素,孩子们将按其年龄正常分组:

Parents will be told about our EYFS curriculum which focuses strongly on the unique child learning about themselves and the world through both free and structured play. We expect families to have the children’s interests and development at heart and recognise the values of the King’s learning community.
我们将向家长介绍我们的 EYFS(英国早期基础阶段教育)课程,该课程着重于让孩子通过自由的和有组织的游戏来了解自己和世界。我们希望每个家庭都能把孩子的兴趣和发展放在首位,并认识认可国王学校这个学习社区的价值。
Primary and Lower Secondary Schools (ages 6-15) 小学、初中部(6-15 岁)
Students will generally be placed in their appropriate year-group, based upon their age on 31st August in theyear of entry.
根据入学当年 8 月 31 日的年龄,学生通常会被分到相应的年级组。

The Grade 1-9 bilingual and bicultural curriculum will for Chinese nationals be based upon the Chinese national curriculum enhanced by the UK Cambridge Primary curriculum and delivered in a way which meets our pedagogical aims. For non-Chinese nationals, there will be some alterations and variations, mainly in areas of language provision.

All students will be expected to participate in our co-curricular, extra-curricular provision.

As an inclusive school, we will consider all ranges of ability.

Parents and applicants should share the King’s Commitment to an All-Round and Inclusive Education and  support the school in its aims to achieve this.

Upper Secondary (High) School (ages 15-18) 高中部(15-18 岁)
Students will generally be placed in their appropriate year-group, based upon their age on 31st August in the year of entry. This is extremely important for university entry.
The curriculum will focus upon international qualifications (IGCSEs and A Levels) supported by research projects and preparation for entry to global universities. Teaching and learning will involve active  participation from the students at all times and a commitment to giving of their best.
高中部将专注于英国剑桥国际高中课程(IGCSEs 和 A levels),为进入全球知名大学做准备。所有的学习和教学都时刻引导学生积极的参与并让其发挥最大潜能。
It will, therefore, be important that students wishing to embark on this programme have a good level of  English alongside a willingness to be challenged both inside and outside the academic curriculum. All students will be expected to participate in our co-curricular, extra-curricular provision.
Parents and applicants should share the King’s Commitment to an All-Round and Inclusive Education and  support the school in its aims.

Rolling enrolment 滚动招生
Although we don’t particularly advocate students moving schools mid-year, sometimes it is necessary due to personal or family circumstances. Therefore, we do offer enrolment at any time of the year if there are spaces available and if it is deemed to be in the student’s best interests.

Outcome 录取结果
If all available spaces in the school are already taken an applicant may be placed on a waiting list. Families will be regularly informed as to the length of the waiting list and the place of the applicant on it. In the event of over-subscription and other things being equal, students with siblings at or previously at the school may be given priority.

Procedures 流程
In KSS, we use OpenApply as admissions management system, which aims to make the whole admissionsprocess paperless, clear and easy. Please follow the steps below:
在国王学校中,我们使用 Open Apply 的招生管理系统,目的是使整个招生过程无纸化、清晰、方便。请按以下步骤操作:

Step 1: Make an appointment or join our Open House
All parents should book an appointment or open house and talk to our admissions staff for a more detailed   understanding of KSS. It is possible for this meeting to take place virtually.

Step 2: Submit an application
After this, Admissions will contact you.

以上信息 采集自学校2021年6月公布信息
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