万科双语学校| 重构面向未来的国际化新型学校

2019-12-20 10:06 阅读 145


Southern published an article ‘Vanke Bilingual School: rebuilding a new international future-oriented school’ to give a comprehensive report on the results achieved by VBS. 


The article was as follows: 



VBS has demonstrated its unique characteristics over a year of establishment. Personalised small-sized class teaching space to fully implement quality education. Immersive bilingual teaching to establish students thinking in Chinese and English to apply both systems. Cooperation in education under a globalised setting to integrate top resources from society and to set future education standards. The school has a unique multiple curricula system to support individual developments and world leading learning methods to motivate learning potential. Professional teachers are here to safeguard the excellent growth of every student and the two-way promotion study path offers space for students to grow.





Over here, Principal Yang welcomes  students with smiles every morning. She also plays with them during Children’s Day. In Science Fiesta, students explain their creations to gain votes. Journalists from Star TV are impressed by the big smiles on students’ face as the school is down to earth as if they come to a holiday resort.


This is Vanke Bilingual School at Longhua District, Shenzhen which has just been established over a year.            

为了给孩子更好的教育,做人民美好生活的场景师,2018年9月,以高标准、高规格打造的深圳市龙华区万科双语学校正式开学。万科双语学校是一所九年一贯制义务教育民办学校,作为世界500强企业——万科重要战略转型举措,建校一年来,学校秉承让孩子站在未来中央的办学理念,采取国际化的小班模式(小学24人/班,初中32人/班),基于国家课程内容,吸收国际教育先进理念,追求教育创新,致力于培养人格健全、学力卓越,具有国际视野和家国情怀, 敢于创造美好未来的中国公民,积极打造国际化的新型学校。

VBS has been established since September 2018 to offer students better education and based on high standards. It is a nine-year system private school under the national Compulsory Education as a key part of strategic transformation by the Fortune 500 company Vanke. Based on school philosophy 'Let students experience the future', the school adopts international small-sized class pattern (24 for Primary, 32 for Junior Secondary) to deliver national curriclum contents, takes in world's frontrunning education ideologies to pursue innovation in education and strives to nurture Chinese citizens with sound personality, academic excellence, international horizons, patriotism and the courage to create a better future as well as building a new international school.




Rebuilding future-oriented learning space


The unique campus design is based on the idea of 'school rebuilding' which is about actively building future-oriented learning space. The loop teaching compound creates personalised and interdisciplinary teaching space, the mezzanine garden keeps students' curiosity to explore the nature. The world leading teaching facilities motivates students to learn. The reading corner at the rear of the classroom becomes the place where students gain knowledge. Top class sports facilities such as indoor swimming pool and climbing wall at competition level enable students to master two life-long sports. 


World leading learning methods


With high levels of IT accessiblity, VBS is one of the first ten pilot schools to install 5G network. Currently the installation of base station is complete, all rooms are connected into the network. Teachers are equipped with iMac and iPad which students are allowed to use iPads during lessons.


The unique AI classes start from Primary 1 and have been the favourite class among students whose IT capabilities are improved so that students embrace the AI era with confidence.


VBS Cloud lessons are established to integrate with the content taught in classroom to arouse study interests among students.


The school systematically initiates PBL studies to guide independent research and innovative development.


Inter-disciplinary teaching encourages students to think freely and integrate knowledge from various subjects so that their creativity is improved.


VBS also organises various activities such as occupation trials, excursions and martyrs' memorial to enhance students' leadership and global competitiveness as they keep patriotism and broaden their horizons.


Unique Integrated VBS multi-facet curriculum system


VBS has the bilingual, integrated, online-offline curriculum system to meet the students' needs and future-centric core capabilities. The national curriculum is implemented by schoo-based means to satisfy needs for further studies. The international quality develops bilingual skills in Chinese and English. Compulsory and elective curriculum enhances the individual development of students.


Implementing the national curriculum plan, VBS has all three levels of curriculum - national, regional and schoo-based. Apart from national curriculum, the school offers Booster program includes subjects Math、ESL、Science、Arts、Music、Drama、PE taught by international teachers and featured school-based curriculum on architecture, AI, Life planning and rock climbing. 45 electives are set up including baking, Japanese, basketball, 3D printing, badminton, student journalists, drama, band and Wushu and 72 student societies. The scale of curriculum covers every aspect of student's life to meet the needs for individual development. 


First class teaching staff


VBS has a group of professional and international teachers with experienced domestic teachers in pursuit of excellence and high-end education. Teachers are graduates from eminent universities across the globe and experienced key subject heads with international education background including backstroke swimming champion, footballer took part in the World Cup and engineers from Oracle and Huawei.


All teachers aim to motivate students' inner drive to study when respecting difference in their personality. They set up student-centric classes via education through trials and interdisciplinary teaching to build a new international school. 


Significance in school running outcomes

在短短建校一年间,万科双语学校赢得了良好的社会口碑,荣膺第四届南方都市报教育改革创新大奖——最具未来特色学校奖、梅沙教育年度优秀学校奖、被广东教育国际化专业委员授予“教育国际化实验学校”称号、被广东省棋类协会授予广东处省国际象棋特色学校,成为龙华区十个首批示范校之一先行部署5G网络。在广东省教育“双融双创”行动暨2019年教师教育教学信息化及新媒体新技术教学应用活动中,该校人工智能课程在信息技术创新教学案例评比中喜获一等奖。在由教育部教育管理信息中心、《基础教育参考》编辑部指导,中国教育信息化创客教育研究中心、芬兰LUMA 国际StarT 中心主办的“第三届 STEM 教育&创客教育学术论坛暨项目式学习·项目设计与教学研讨会”上,“万小双银行建设项目”被评选为2019年度第一季度最佳PBL项目,荣获一等奖。

Within a year since establishment, VBS gains public recognition - it has won 4th Nanfang Metropolis Daily innovation in education award - the school with most future features award, annual Meisha Education excellent school award. AI curriculum from VBS has been awarded First Prize in the IT Innovation Teaching Case Competition in the 2019 Guangdong Education IT and New Media Application in Teachers' Education and Teaching in collaboration with integration and innovation of IT and teaching in Education. the 'Constructing VBS Bank' project was awarded first prize in 'Project Design and Teaching Seminar during the third STEM education and innovation education academic forum and project-based learning', which was organised by China Education Information Innovation Research Center and Finland LUMA International StarT Center, guided by Information Center for Management in Education under the Ministry of Education of China, 'Basic Education Reference' editorial department.


Students attainments are improving as they clinch awards at many competitions inlcuding 11th Guangdong Rock Climbing Contest, Youth Science Innovation competition in Longhua District, 15th Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Cup English Competition for Primary and Secondary students. 

万科双语学校杨帆校长强调,学校秉承“为未知而教、为未来而学”, 让孩子站在未来中央的办学理念,培养能够面向未来的、有全局性理解能力的学生,关注21世纪技能养成所提到的批判性思维、创造力、沟通能力、团队协作能力,积极培养学生好奇、乐观、包容、坚毅、创造性与多元化发展等核心素养。“深圳万科双语学校就是这样一所国际化的新型学校,我们打破空间界限为学生搭建先进的学习平台;我们用国际化的丰富课程推动学生的认知和创造。中西文化在这里自然融合、历史与未来在这里悄然碰撞,家长、教师、学生在这里成为成长伙伴。每一个从这里毕业的孩子都将拥有源自内心的充实与自信,积极无畏地迎接未来的到来。”

Principal Yang emphasises that the school follows the school philosophy 'Teaching for the unknowns, study for the future' and 'Let students experience the future' to nurture students for the future and perception of bigger picture as well as core qualities mentioned in the skill sets for 21st Century - critical thinking, inclusiveness, grit, creativity and multi-facet development. 'VBS is such a new international school to build a study platform which breaks boundaries and utilises various lessons to enable students to create and perceive. Over here, the culture of Orient and Occident, past and future come across. Students, parents and teachers become partners to grow altogether. Every student graduating from VBS will have the confidence from within and embrace the future fearlessly.' 


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