Middle School初中部

2022-01-07 17:18 阅读 167


The Middle School years are  a time of change. Not only is this age group changing physically, their  emotional, social, intellectual and ethical behaviors are shifting as well.  This is a crucial period in the development of young adults and they need  support in all these areas. To ensure that this support is provided at school,  opportunities for learning and practicing constructive ways to deal with these  changes are integrated within Science, Mathematics, Social Studies and Language  instruction. The habits of mind that successful people call upon when  encountering a new situation are also important to the development of each  child. A variety of teaching and learning strategies are used depending upon  the discipline, concept, and student.

The content  standards start simply and become more complex as children develop through the  grades. They are learned through projects, integration with other subjects, and through direct instruction depending upon the concept, the student  and the situation.
The following are taught and learned through the Applied  Sciences class:


As students advance through the grades and master the standards in math  they are able to exhibit the following behaviors and knowledge:
Mathematical Behaviors Math Concepts
• problem solving and perseverance • geometry
• abstract and quantitative reasoning • ratios & proportional reasoning
• mathematical modeling • numbers & operations
• attending to precision • expressions & equations
• looking for and making sense of structure • statistics & probability
• looking for and expressing regularity in repeated  reasoning • Functions


Learning in science spirals throughout the grades with varying  complexities. The English/Language Arts skills as well as Mathematical skills  are applied in science projects in the following scientific areas. In each area systems sustainability and the effects on our future are emphasized.
 • Physical science  • Engineering
 • Life science  • Technology
 • Earth & Space  • Applications of science

The following are taught and  learned through the Humanities class:


The following are taught  using English and increase in complexity as children progress through the  school year/ grade level
  Reading   Speaking
 • Foundational  Skills  • Story  Telling
 • Literature  • Oral  Presentations
 • Informational  Text  • Debate/Defense
 • Analysis  of print and digital media  • Presentations  of Learning
 • Research  Skills  • Public  Speaking
   • Language  Registers
   Writing    Listening
 • Foundational  skills  • Story Telling
 • English  Grammar in Context  • Understanding & Following Verbal Instruction
 • Writing  Process  • Active Listening
 • Informational  Writing  • Note taking
 • Persuasive  Writing  • Analysis of speeches
 • Creative  Writing  • Responding to verbal communications


As a child grows his/her world expands and the study of the social sciences follows the same path. Younger children use the domains  of social studies to understand themselves, their homes, and their communities  and the world that they can see and touch. As the child progresses their studies grow to include places, peoples and ideas away from home.
 • Geography  • Global  Citizenship
 • History  • Culture
 • Economics  
 • Government/Civics  


Children also need to develop the habits of mind that will help them be happy and reach goals throughout their lives. The following are dispositions that successful people use and which we integrate in our educational plans.
 • Persisting  • Responding with wonderment and awe
 • Thinking & communicating with clarity and precision  • Thinking  about thinking (metacognition)
 • Managing  impulsiveness  • Taking  responsible risks
 • Gathering  data through all senses  • Striving  for accuracy
 • Listening  with understanding and empathy  • Finding  humor
 • Creating,  imagining, innovating  • Questioning  and posing problems
 • Thinking  flexibly  • Thinking  interdependently
   • Applying  past knowledge to new situations
   • Remaining  open to continuous learning

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