清华附中国际学校 更名后 再次开启新旅程

2022-08-09 11:05 阅读 302

Hi 清森学校的伙伴们:


Hi, All Friends of Qingsen School,




We hope you are having a wonderful and enjoyable summer vacation.   




THSI has recently completed a series of adjustments and enhancements based on relevant national laws, policies, and regulations. We would like to share those updates with you to support you in being better prepared for the upcoming school year.


2021 年 7 月,教育部等八部门印发《关于规范公办学校举办或者参与举办民办义务教育学校的通知》,要求公办学校从各个层面完全退出民办学校。


In July 2021, eight national departments including the Ministry of Education of China issued a circular on regulating public schools to hold or participate in the establishment of private compulsory education schools. The notice requests all public schools to complete the divestiture from private schools in all aspects.


根据以上要求,学校在教委的指导下,于近期完成了与清华附中及其相关法律主体在各个层面的剥离,包括但不限于:解除与清华附属实验学校的合作协议;更改学校英文名称为“Qingsen School”;达成相关政策中涉及运营管理、教师队伍、品牌宣传等其他各个方面的要求。


In accordance with the above requirements and under the guidance of Beijing Municipal Education Commission, THSI recently completed the divestiture of Tsinghua University High School and its related legal entities at various levels, including but not limited to: dissolved the cooperation agreement with Tsinghua Experimental School; changed the English name of the School to “Qingsen School”; met all other requirements mentioned in the circular including operational management, faculty team, branding, etc.




The completion of the above work contributed to the official approval of the school license from Beijing Municipal Education Commission and will also support the school to operate in this new era of continued growth.


在此基础上,朝阳区教委于 7 月 15 日向区里每所民办学校的理事会都派驻了一位教委代表,以持续支持和监督民办学校的办学合规性。


On top of this, the Education Commission of Chaoyang District also assigned a Commission Representative to each private school in the district on July 15 to provide continuous support and oversight of private school compliance.




1. 任命原北大附中副校长、北大附中实验学校校长陈伟聪为清森学校校长,全面主持学校工作;


2. 同意任命探月教育首席执行官王熙乔为清森学校助理校长,协助陈伟聪校长管理和落实学校的教育教学及行政事务;


3. 同意任命探月学院副院长杨博宇为清森学校中学部校长,统筹管理中学部的中教、外教及相关教育教学工作;


4. 同意任命原美国乔治亚州双语特许公立小学 Yi Hwang Academy of Language Excellence 创校校长吴洁博士为小学部校长,统筹管理小学部的中教、外教及相关教育教学工作;


5. 引入 CIS 成员校、完成 Cognia 认证的探月学院作为战略合作方,负责中学部的教育教学及运营管理,提升中学部的课程丰富度及合规性。


In order to ensure the better development of Qingsen School, the School Board appointed and brought in the following core leadership team and strategic resources.


1. Appointed Ms. Chen Weicong, former Vice Principal of The Affiliated High School of Peking University and Principal of Peking University Affiliated Experimental School, as the Principal of Qingsen School, to preside over the operation of the Qingsen School.


2. Agreed to appoint Mr. Wang Xiqiao, Chief Executive Officer of Moonshot Academy, as Assistant Principal of Qingsen School, to assist Principal Chen Weicong in the management and implementation of the education and operation of the school.


3. Agreed to appoint Mr. Yang Boyu, Vice Principal of Moonshot Academy, as the Principal of the Secondary School of Qingsen School, to coordinate and supervise the Chinese and foreign teachers and related educational and teaching work of the Secondary School.


4. Agreed to appoint Dr. Wu Jie, former founding principal of Yi Hwang Academy of Language Excellence, a bilingual charter school in Georgia, USA, as the Principal of the Primary School, to coordinate and supervise the Chinese and foreign teachers and related educational and teaching work of the Primary School.


5. Brought in Moonshot Academy, a CIS member and Cognia accredited school, as a strategic partner to be responsible for the education, teaching, and operation management of Secondary School, and to further improve the curriculum richness and regulatory compliance of Secondary School.




The majority of the other teachers in the school will continue to learn and live with the children and provide strong support for their overall growth with the leadership team together.




In the new school year, Qingsen School will remain steadfast in supporting students to become lifelong learners rooted in Chinese culture and values and to become active citizens in integrating into the international community and advancing human civilization.




Based on the above educational goal, the school has further improved the education level of each age group, while retaining the original international quality of schooling and the characteristics of sports and education integration.




1. 提升中国文化与思想在整体教育教学中的重要性和占比,帮助孩子们构建清晰的身份和文化认同;


2. 完善基于严谨教育研究的、有清晰结构和系统的沉浸式中英双语教学模式,确保孩子们能够自然且熟练地掌握两门语言,并熟悉两门语言背后的思维方式与文化背景;


3. 增强数理、科技与艺术(STEAM)等课程体系与教学模式的系统性与实践性;构建体系化、分阶段的 STEAM 融合项目,提供更多“做中学”的教学场景;


4. 完善多元化、多层次、个性化的社会情感教育与学生支持;


5. 构建可在不同学科与场景迁移的、终身受益的核心素养(如自我引导、沟通与合作能力、审辩与创新思维等)的系统性发展与评价体系。


At the Primary school stage, Qingsen School will continue its original high-quality English learning environment and physical education integration features. On top of this, the school makes the following enhancements.


1. Raise the importance and proportion of Chinese culture and thought in the overall education and teaching, and help children build a clear identity and cultural identity.


2. Refine the bilingual immersion model with a clearer curriculum structure and system based on rigorous educational research to ensure that children are able to master both languages naturally and proficiently, and are familiar with the mindsets and cultural contexts behind them.


3. Enhance the systemic and practical nature of the curriculum and teaching model for mathematics, science, technology, and art (STEAM); build a systematic and phased STEAM integration program to provide more "learning by doing" teaching scenarios.


4. Improve diversified, multi-level, and personalized social-emotional education and student support.


5. Build a systematic development and assessment system for core competencies (e.g., self-direction, communication, and cooperation skills, critical thinking, and creative thinking) that can be transferred across disciplines and scenarios for lifelong benefits.




The above enhancements can better support children's healthy growth and lay a solid foundation for entering the more challenging Secondary School of Qingsen School.




1. 提升中国文化与思想在整体教育教学中的重要性和占比;


2. 完成 Cognia(全球最大的认证组织)和 CIS 的双重认证,支持学生能够申请几乎所有海外大学,并得到大学招生办更多的重视;


3. 增加来自北大附中、人大附中、北京四中、上海中学等知名公办学校以及来自顶尖国际学校、企业组织等的48名教师进入中学部,将师生比提升至 1 : 4 ;

4. 提升课程体系的广度,在数学、科学、人文、社科等各个领域,增设超过 20 门选修课程;


5. 提升课程体系的深度,将 AP 课程增设至 20 余门,并提供多门超越 AP 难度的选修课程;


6. 构建可在不同学科与场景迁移的、终身受益的核心素养的系统性发展与评价体系,增加基于真实情景和挑战的学习与实践机会。


At the Secondary School stage, Qingsen School will continue its strengths of internationalization of the curriculum and individualization of advancement. On top of this, the school makes the following enhancements.


1. Increase the importance and percentage of Chinese culture and thought in the overall education and teaching.


2. Complete dual accreditation by Cognia (the world's largest accrediting organization) and CIS, supporting students' ability to apply to almost all overseas universities and receiving more attention from university admissions offices.


3. Add 48 teachers from well-known public schools such as PKU Affiliated High School, NPC Affiliated High School, Beijing No. 4 High School, Shanghai High School, as well as from top international schools and corporate organizations to the Secondary School, increasing the teacher-student ratio to 1 : 4.


4. Enhance the breadth of the curriculum system by increasing more than 20 elective courses in various areas such as mathematics, science, humanities, and social sciences.


5. Enhance the depth of the curriculum by increasing the number of AP courses to more than 20 and offer several elective courses that go beyond AP difficulty.


6. Build a systematic development and assessment system for core competencies that can be transferred across disciplines and scenarios for lifelong benefits, and increases opportunities for learning and practice based on authentic situations and challenges.




The above enhancements can better help students to understand and develop themselves during adolescence; to be well prepared to go to top global universities; and to adapt a highly uncertain future society in a richer, more authentic, and challenging learning environment.




Let's move into a new era at Qingsen School together.




Qingsen School, 

Chaoyang District, Beijing

2022 年 8 月 8 日

上一篇:清华附中国际学校 新校名——北京市朝阳区清森学校 下一篇:没有了


