学校详情: 深圳市南山外籍人员子女学校(ISNS)成立于2002年,是一所聚焦关爱与创新,覆盖全学龄的IB国际文凭世界学校,面向3岁至12年级学生提供优质的PYP(小学),MYP(中学),DP(大学预科)连贯性教学项目。 作为拥有30多个国家的学生群体代表,ISNS重视学校文化的... 查看更多>>>
Phoenix Sports Update: Week 14 ISNS First Family Fun Day-We all had a good time! ISNS Familes ISNS Students ISNS Volunteers...
Dec 8 (WED) 4:00- 5:45 3:30-4:00PM Registration at the gate, afternoon tea and drinks 4:00 PM School Tour 4:45-5:00PM ISNS Introduction and Application Process 5:00-5:45PM Group 1 PYP Presentation, Q A 5:00- 5:45PM Group 2 MYP/DP Presentation Q A...