
北京市第八中学国际部中英高中项目简介Sino-British High School Program

发布日期:2020-12-16 阅读:

  英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level)简称A-Level课程,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平考试,是英国大学的入学考试课程,相当于我国的高考。


  A-Level (General Certificate of EducationAdvanced Level) is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of theGeneral Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualificationoffered by the educational bodies in the United Kingdom. A-Level exam is the equivalentof China’s College Entrance Examination.

  The Sino-BritishProgram offers IGCSE and A-Level. Upon successful completion of the courses,students will take A-Level exams organized by CIE and apply for universitieswith their results.


  l 八十中学严格优质的高中基础教育管理模式跟国外优质教学资源结合

  l A-Level课程体系和先进的教学理念

  l 严谨、扎实的英式教育教学理念,注重学生学术能力和技能的双重培养

  l 外方课程全部采用英国本土教材,内容与英国大学教育体制接轨

  l 学生可依据兴趣、特长以及专业发展进行个性化选课

  l 丰富多彩的中外学生课外交流活动和英国游学活动

  l 完整的升学指导体系,高效、专业的升学指导团队为学生服务

  l 毕业生可申请英美加等国多所名校

  TheStrengths of the Sino-British Program

  l combining the rigorous Chinese education standards and advancedBritish education resources

  l adhering to the A-Level curriculum and its corresponding teachingphilosophy

  l upholding a strict and solid teaching procedures and building upstudents’ academic ability and skills

  l adopting the English textbook in all British subjects, and tailorthe teaching content to the university level in Britain

  l optional courses selection based on students’ interests, strengthsand future development

  l offering an abundance of extra-curricular activities and culturalexchanges with international students

  l the support and guidance of a team of experienced internationaluniversity counselors

  l graduates are eligible to apply for top international universitiesincluding those in the UK, US and Canada


  Featuresof the Sino-British Courses Program at Beijing No. 80 High School

  1. 广泛的认可度

  在英国,剑桥A-Level 课程被英国境内所有的大学认可。同时,美国已有450所大学接受A-Level 成绩,其中包括康奈尔大学,哈佛大学,麻省理工学院,斯坦福大学,耶鲁大学等全部常青藤名校。

  Wide Recognition

  Cambridge International AS and A-leveL courses are accepted for entrance to all UK universities. Over 450 USuniversities accept Cambridge International AS and A-Level, including all IvyLeague and Ivy Plus universities. These universities include: CornellUniversity, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),Stanford University and Yale University.

  2. 多样的学科选择

  剑桥AS 和A-level 的课程设置涉及领域广泛且灵活。根据A-Level课程类别,中英项目课程涵盖:





  剑桥科学类: 化学、物理、生物等


  A wide choice of subjects is available,including subjects in the following areas:

  Cambridge English: IGCSE ESL, EnglishLiterature,etc.

  Cambridge Modern Languages: ChineseLiterature, Spanish, etc.

  Cambridge Humanities and Social Sciences:Economics, etc.

  Cambridge Mathematics: Mathematics, FurtherMath, etc.

  Cambridge Science: Chemistry, Physics,Biology, etc.

  Cambridge Business, Technical andVocational: Business, Art, etc.

  3. 稳定、合理的评估模式

  A-Level 考试每年在全球范围内举行两次统考,分别是6月和11月。



  Exams are held in June and Novemberglobally each year. Cambridge A-Level exams feature a mix of assessmentmethods, which assess students’ academic achievements comprehensively.

预约探校入口 少量开放日预约名额,火速报名吧!
