
深圳奥斯翰丨提升国际视野 培育全球思维观

发布日期:2021-06-25 阅读:


Establishing Standard for Global Mindedness

----TOK Exhibition 2021

提升国际视野 培育全球思维观

-记2021年奥斯翰IBDP1 认识论学习成果展-

●什么是TOK认识论? ●


Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a core component of the IB Diploma Programme and a meaningful opportunity for students to enhance their critical thinking skills. In TOK, we question how we know what we know and reflect on different Areas of Knowledge (AOK), their scope, methods, perspectives, and ethical constraints associated with the pursuit of knowledge. In TOK classes, questions are thought-provoking and different points of view should be explored.


The Oxstand TOK Exhibition was held by the IBDP One students. The main objective of the exhibition was for the students to showcase the connections they have made with TOK in the real world. The students were able to enthusiastically explain the real life and personal connections that they have made between the objects and their chosen prompt to several teachers and students. This is the very first Oxstand TOK Exhibition for the new course and the students displayed a tremendous amount of resilience, independence, and curiosity throughout the process.


IBDP1 students have worked on the TOK Exhibition for weeks and finally be able to present their work based on the questions listed here:



“Why do we seek knowledge?’’



“What is the relationship between knowledge and culture?”


“Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?”



" What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge?" 



 “Can new knowledge change established values or  beliefs?”



What counts as knowledge?” 



Each student has selected a prompt and connected it to three objects to show "how TOK manifests in the world around us". They were thoughtful in choosing their objects, which include novels, Biology book, Camera, social manners, Wilderness Survival Guide among other creative 

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